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Lapse Application

A Responsible Authority can choose to lapse an application if the applicant has exceeded the allocated time frame to respond to a Request for Further Information (RFI).

Completing the Lapse ‘Application’ action sends notification emails to other affected SPEAR users to advise them that the permit in the SPEAR application has been lapsed.

• For planning permit only applications, the status of the application changes to ‘Lapsed’ and the application is moved to the completed list. To view a lapsed planning permit application, select ‘Completed Applications’ from the Application List screen.
• For planning permit and certification applications, the status of the application changes to ‘Certification Decision Pending’. This will allow the Responsible Authority to make a decision on the certification component - e.g. Refuse certification.

The documents and decisions previously added to a lapsed application are still available in SPEAR and are not deleted.

Note: The Responsible Authority can reinstate a lapsed planning permit application by selecting ‘Restore Lapsed Permit Application’ from the ‘Other Actions’ menu.


You need to complete the following steps to lapse an application:

  1. Select ‘Lapse Application’ from the ‘Other Actions’ drop down list, and click on the ‘go’ button.
    NOTE: This action will only be available once the time to respond to an RFI has elapsed.
  2. Click on the ‘Lapse’ button to confirm (or alternatively click on the ‘cancel’ button).
  3. Attach or enter a reason for the decision to lapse.
  4. A confirmation screen will be displayed. Click on the 'Return' button to go back to the Details screen.
  5. To complete this process, the decision must be authenticated using your SPEAR password.

If you require further information, see User Guide 5 - Request for Further Information.